Hon. President O. B. Greeves MBE Hon. Vice President P. Smith Founded 1988

Constitution of the GRA

Hon. President O. B. Greeves MBE ( 1906 – 1993 in Perpetuity )
Hon. Vice President P. Smith


That an organisation, founded on the 1st. of December 1983, (by Messrs Keith Bolas, Peter Smith, David Hawkins, and Andrew King) and formally constituted on the 1st June 1984, be henceforward known as the “Greeves Riders Association”, (GRA).

The object of the GRA shall be to encourage, by various means, the preservation of Greeves motorcycles, and hybrid machines derived there from, the encouragement of their use, and the collection, collation, recording, and dissemination, to GRA members, of information relating to all aspects of Greeves motorcycles.


The committee, whose members must be elected/re-elected annually, is to consist of no more than twelve (12) and no less than five (5) persons, who should, at the time of nomination, be over 18 years of age and have held full GRA membership for at least 12 months. They should be of good character and must, on nomination, declare any related pecuniary or commercial interests. Five (5) persons shall constitute a quorum.

The first act of any committee, once appointed, shall be to select certain of its members to act as officers for the life of that committee, or until such time as a replacement is required, when the matter shall be resolved by internal vote.

PRESIDENT – An honorary position, appointed at an AGM for such period as the meeting desires. No voting rights.

VICE-PRESIDENT(S) – An honorary position, appointed at an AGM for such period as the meeting desires. No voting rights.

CHAIRMAN – To officiate at all meetings.

VICE-CHAIRMAN – To deputise at all meetings in the absence of the Chairman

GENERAL SECRETARY – To deal with such correspondence as may be generated by the activities of the GRA, to liaise with officers, members and other organizations as necessary, to ensure correct procedures are adhered to and to keep records of all meetings.

TREASURER – To control finances of the GRA, receive subscriptions, and produce balance sheets.

MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY – To be responsible for all aspects of membership of the GRA.

NEWSLETTER EDITOR – To produce the ‘Leading Link’ magazine bi-monthly, for circulation to all members, and to act as Archivist for the GRA, providing a Historian / Librarian role.

REGALIA OFFICER – To produce and distribute promotional material bearing the GRA logo.

LIAISON OFFICER – To liaise with affiliation and certain other bodies.

TRIALS SECRETARY – To report on Trials matters to the GRA and manage the Club’s trophies.

WEBSITE OFFICER – To develop, update, and maintain the GRA website.

GENERAL COMMITTEE – Unspecified – In addition to the formal committee structure, where there is demonstrable need the committee may co-opt additional persons as members or advisors, and these persons may be granted voting rights. No more than five (5) persons may be co-opted onto any committee at any one time.

Committee meetings will take place as often as business dictates, but in any case, not less than twice yearly. In addition to these meetings, there shall be an annual general meeting (AGM), which shall be held as early as practicable, in April of each year. Notice of AGMs must be posted to members at least 30 clear days beforehand.

The business of the AGM shall be to hear officer’s reports, to receive the statement of accounts (the financial year shall be from the 1st. January unto the 31st December), and to consider all propositions which may affect the GRA. Any proposition to the AGM must be received, in writing, by the secretary not less than 21 days prior to the date of the meeting. The AGM shall conclude with the election of a new committee.

Extra-Ordinary Meetings may be called at any time by the committee or at the written request of at least of 5% of GRA members. They may be committee or open meetings and must be held not more than one calendar month from the date of this request. Notice of this meeting, including the agenda, must be sent to all members not later than ten (10) days prior to the meeting. At an open meeting, there must be not less than 10% of members present to form a Quorum, excluding the committee.

Dissolution of the GRA can only take place at an EGM , the conditions for calling this having been met. 50% of the full membership must be present. A motion for dissolution can then only be carried if 75% of those present are in favour. Any assets of the GRA, apart from library and archive material, upon a motion of dissolution being agreed shall be offered for sale, initially to GRA members, and, when sold, any monies realised added to GRA funds. All library and archive material shall be donated to the Vintage Motor Cycle Club for permanent retention in the VMCC Library. Any monies belonging to the GRA shall, after all debts are paid, be donated to a charity agreed upon by those present at the dissolution meeting.

Assets of the GRA, whilst it is still extant, shall be correctly stored, used, and where relevant, insured.


At AGMs and EGMs all full members of the GRA shall have one (1) vote. Any absent member, if their wish is stated in writing, shall have one (1) vote. No proxy voting is allowed. At committee meetings, only full committee members and authorised co-opted members may vote. In any case, members shall declare pecuniary and commercial interests and not vote on items where conflict may occur. The Chairman shall have a casting vote in all cases.


Membership of the GRA shall be by annual subscription, the rate payable to be fixed by the committee not less than two months prior to the renewal date. The subscription year shall be from the 1st. June to the 31st. May. Any
person not renewing their subscriptions prior to the cut off date shall incur a re-registering charge.


If any member/s, in the opinion of the committee, commits a grave breach of the ‘Rules & Regulations’; acts prejudicially to the GRA, and or, motorcycling; is deemed to have ridden recklessly or exhibited unsportsmanlike/ungentlemanly behaviour; that member/s will be required to attend a meeting convened by the committee and, subject to 2/3rds of the committee members present at the hearing supporting the resolution, may be cautioned, suspended, or expelled.


The GRA recognises the importance of the trials interest and supports its endeavours to perpetuate the Greeves name in the sporting events that it organises, or takes part in. The trials interests will remain an integral part of the GRA and must report regularly to the main committee on progress, and before any unauthorised expenditure or commitments that may affect the GRA as a whole are made. All participants in GRA organised events must wear helmets at all times and comply with all current ACU Regulations and Road Traffic Act requirements when riding their machines.

The GRA absolves all bodies to which it is affiliated, or associated with, including the FBHVC and ACU, from any financial liability in the event of the GRA being dissolved.

April 2016

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