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New year resolution!

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  • New year resolution!

    It was time for a jolly good clearout! The garage(bike workshop) had been used as a dumping ground these last few months and it was becoming difficult to open the door, never mind actually working on something once access could be gained. The last item to be "stored" in there was the radiator that had been inadequately warming the lounge for the last thirty years, a single specimen measuring 600 x 1600mm. Just prior to Christmas I'd replaced it with a doubled up version, so it's now spare. I'd also started a tray of surplus copper and brass tubes and fittings that had become of no further use over the years and I'd tripped over it more times than I could remember, so where better place to start my tidying exercise. I thought I'd go through all my other surplus metal parts, make some space and maybe even make a profitable trip to the local Speedway sponsors, metal recyclers. Right lets get stuck in, all those spare unwanted cylinders and heads with fins missing etc could go. Well after a couple of hours, most unwanted parts had been put aside and progress made. However, my conscience wouldn't allow me to let them go and most are now still in place, so if anybody wishes to salvage some 2t and 36A barrels, mostly on standard or near standard bore then do get in touch before I have to get ruthless!
    Last edited by ADickerson; 05/01/2014, 07:11 PM.

  • #2
    Happy new year Adrian, i can`t imagine you being ruthless! toothless! but not ruthless!!.......


    • #3

      He certainly will be Higgo The Flyer has gotta pay for the new fitted afterburner and the direct North Sea gas supply. Got his feet up with speedos and body tan on as we speak
      Punchy 336


      • #4
        budgie smugglers!!!

        Hi rob & a happy new year to yourself.. funny you should mention adrian in speedos!!!!, iv`e already suffered a terrible image today, thanks to mr thompson........


        • #5
          And to you Dave, good to hear from you. Toothless indeed! Be careful or I might give you a nasty nip next time we meet. I'll have you know I have the hardest gums around here, just ask my wife! Along with toothless there are probably a few other 'lesses that could be applied, but I'm not giving all my secrets away. Just to keep you guessing, after years of self denial to rid this torso of excess baggage and attain the peak of condition to achieve the ultimate power to weight ratio I've given all that up and intend seeking a course of lyposuction treatment at the local clinic!


          • #6
            Space Race 2014?

            Now, if you're looking for a garage to clear of junk, and you've got a fortnight to spare, I know of just the one!!

            Like you, Adrian, I have cleared it myself quite a few times now, only to put all the metal bits and bobs back again, so nothing seems to have changed, space-wise. Why is that?



            • #7
              Keep those plumbing spares as well, I'm working on an afterburner system that can be hidden in an expansion chamber.....hiding the air inlet and fan is proving a bit problematical at will the 10 gallon tank, but scaling it down might work! Pic attached of a prototype.
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Brian Catt; 06/01/2014, 09:52 AM.


              • #8
                Emu Alert!

                Greetings Mr Dickerson, Mr Higgins, Mr Dickerson and Mr Runnacles,

                Happy New year (again!)

                Mr Dickerson, (may I call you Adrian?)....

                I just wanted to know if you also threw out that reinforced concrete maximum security Emu pen I lent you. Only, they've been a few sightings of one hanging around the back of the pub in the village and the local Parish Council have asked if I can help capture it, what with my extensive experience and everything.... Still, it's nice when people recognise your skills int it.....

                Oh....and I'll need that 20,000V cow prodder back as well....and before someone bleeding heart grasses me up to the RSPCA, it hardly has any effect on 'em (ask Tammy!), but it does give 'em 'a little incentive....' Strewth, even the local Grizzly's are running scared.....

                Attached Files
                Last edited by Brian Thompson; 06/01/2014, 08:48 PM. Reason: Pic attached.


                • #9
                  You`ve gone & done it now punchy!, bringing back to the fore, adrians slightly obscure hobby of basting himself in emu oil whilst wearing speedo`s ( budgie smugglers ) under a sunlamp in his w/shop.........
                  Still... if it makes him happy...


                  • #10

                    Did somebody mention Emus........?

                    And Mr Catt....please do let me know when your splendid device goes into production.....I WANT ONE!!!!!!!

                    Rod Hull.

